Mr Leon Taylor - Artist

My photo
Auckland, None, New Zealand
I am Mr Leon Taylor Artist/ Illustrator / Designer/ Character Animator / Musician . I work for myself as a freelance artist. I am open for commissions and collaborations, contact I post my creation process and experience here.!/mrleontaylor , ,

Mr Leon Taylor's - Blog Archive

Friday, 8 June 2012

Life drawing and me part 2

I always get a little nervous before life drawing. It seems I get just as nervous that moment before. Like going on stage. In front of myself. You can still have a bad day in life drawing like a bad performance. The essence is there. Just the punch is missing. Or it seems so at the time. I keep and am posting the drawings. They remind myself how bad they are..........not.

On the day's you have frustration there is some drawings you throw away. Finding the "Zen" of drawing is a daily ritual. You have things on you're mind. Like for me. I am getting married very shortly, I am studying full-time in my 3rd year and work part time. There is sometimes complications in how and when you decide to deal with these.

Keeping calm is the key. Knowing that you can deal with it is the first step to handling any situation right. Even life drawing. Or "Zen" I like to call it. These came close to going in the recycling bin. But when I take a photo of them. I sometimes see them through another eye. A new found appreciation. Life drawing is worth every minute. Especially the tough days.



Capturing it, constantly. Being passionate and creative.

Miss Melicious as she is well known for is a friend of ours. She is also someone I look up. Not only did she believe in it, but she is incredible at it. Cupcakes. She made them cool.  or her facebook She and her family are just radical. So I had done a sketch. While she helped my lovely wife to be Kate plan our wedding, I had drawn a sketch for her.3 girls I had breifly met. I like to try capture their feeling. Sense of adventure or shy but content. I then quickly scanned it then did some quick photo shop. This is some fun for a friend. Cause I love seeing there faces. It means everything to me. Making happiness. Capturing it, constantly.

Here is one I did for my niece when she came over for dinner.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Toada Lee Baus - Mr Excitement.

Introducing Toada Lee Baus.

His entire life he has always wanted to be an Internet meme. He was even named by his father Whoda Baus to be so. He got a lot of hassles growing up because kids are mean. He doubted his father. He was embarrassed by it but loved his Dad. His girlfriend Itoada Lee Can has always supported him and believes he can still achieve his life long goal. Can you help him?