WEEK 4 : Finalising designs and confirmed sizes of characters to get proportion correct. Jamie has unwrapped the main character TIERONE ready for texturing. Esther is currently working on texturing the main character and nailing it. I am super happy with how it is shaping up. Below are the finalised designs for our characters.
Tierone 2D turn around (Leon) verses 3D modelled turnaround and unwrapped by (Jamie). Textured by Esther.

After completing the turnaround models. It is now my turn get stuck into modelling myself. I will be doing the adult starfish. This character is not in the film for long. But he is the punch line. So we have to get his scary presence across in the final moments.
I have now completed most of the 2D requirements. Finalising all characters and the animatic. It is now my turn to do some modelling in MAYA. I am responsible for 'Dad Starfish'.
Here we go...