Mr Leon Taylor - Artist

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Auckland, None, New Zealand
I am Mr Leon Taylor Artist/ Illustrator / Designer/ Character Animator / Musician . I work for myself as a freelance artist. I am open for commissions and collaborations, contact I post my creation process and experience here.!/mrleontaylor , ,

Mr Leon Taylor's - Blog Archive

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Plato's cave 2013

I realise I am on the Internet.

I know you are reading it on here. 

I understand the irony of this inspired piece. 

I think this mainly came from the onslaught of the Internet and how many do not know life without it. I was born in 1980. I am lucky enough to be apart of the dawn of technology. 

Four heads help illustrate the terror and overwhelming feeling of information. Or misinformation. 

Doesn't mean we need it all the time.