We had a group meeting late on Thursday afternoon to plan for the week. This has helped us focus on what we need to complete before aiming to animate in week 6 and 7. Then rendering in week 8.
24 days - Then it is due. So we are on track for completion and always trying to beat deadline and exceed our expectations.

Starting to work on the topology of the large starfish. I start with the eye getting the indent matching the turnaround model sheet.
When adding extra edge loops to adjust the face I make sure I have control on where the edge loops are heading and reshape to suit.
For this character his large frame is weighted in the belly area. So I have shaped the vertex to make the basic shape of the character.
Modelling the large starfish. It is important to keep his cartoony feel. Especially his face (eyes, eyebrow and mouth shape. He has some shaping to do, before he suits his scary presence.
Now that the overall design has been modelled and approved. It is time to move on to UV mapping.
This is the last character in the group to be modelled and textured as my time has been spent finalising 2D parts in the group. Storyboarding (deciding the layout and making sure the continuity is finalised) and the animatic then designing the final character turnarounds.
Teeth and mouth shape finalised ready for UV Mapping and texturing.
So far this is the fastest I have worked. completing the model in 4 - 5 hours.