Mr Leon Taylor - Artist

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Auckland, None, New Zealand
I am Mr Leon Taylor Artist/ Illustrator / Designer/ Character Animator / Musician . I work for myself as a freelance artist. I am open for commissions and collaborations, contact I post my creation process and experience here.!/mrleontaylor , ,

Mr Leon Taylor's - Blog Archive

Friday, 17 January 2014

I gain influence from many places as an artist. I love Basketball.

I do all drawings with a very similar process. Rough out the construction with blue pencil then the lines I prefer I use a 2B pencil. From there I use the blue pencil on a separate piece of paper then use artline ink pens to colour the lines I want to use. The blue lines do not show up when you scan greyscale making it super handy.

This is the Chicago Bulls logo. Growing up I watched Micheal Jordan do things no one had ever really done before. I followed them through the 6 championships. It made me believe anything was possible. No one player has touched his legacy. It's very likely we may never see a player like that again. But I am a Lebron fan. So here's hoping.

I still follow the bulls and like their tough spirit.

Also the reason behind the Raiders logo.

Pencils are a huge part of history. I am keeping traditional alive with digital pop.