Mr Leon Taylor - Artist

My photo
Auckland, None, New Zealand
I am Mr Leon Taylor Artist/ Illustrator / Designer/ Character Animator / Musician . I work for myself as a freelance artist. I am open for commissions and collaborations, contact I post my creation process and experience here.!/mrleontaylor , ,

Mr Leon Taylor's - Blog Archive

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Black metal and Hip Hop = MR LEON TAYLOR

 I love music so much. It leads me to drawing, gives me patience, motivation and zen.

It speaks to me. I constantly like looking for the next thing. I had to do 2 covers I love the look of. But with my face. Instead of the selected artist.

Dark Throne Vs Leon Throne

MR LEON TAYLOR , with close inspection. You can see the 2 pencils crossing, instead of a upside down  pentagram. 

The Notorious B.I.G. Vs The Notorious M.L.T.

I don't have bling, I have pencils.